Sheldon Silver to be Arrested Confronted by Suzannah B. Troy Artist 2 Years Ago Courthouse

Suzannah Troy Exclusively Confronted Sheldon Silver on YouTube Asking Are You Corrupt Years before and to date No one has asked him

Sheldon Silver R U part of Corruption?

April 2013 I confronted Sheldon Silver.  Only I had the balls to do it except I don’t have balls (I have something better) in a have to deal with sexist pigs all the time sexism discrimination even anti-Semitism.   I’m the only woman blogger to do what I do here in NYC I’m in the blogger to do what I do. a repost from my opinion blog Suzannah B Troy artist

How ironic I confront him outside a court house  now he is going to get arrested.  As usual I am light years ahead reporting corruption and here again I am validated.  

Cy Vance (now Cy has an intern a victim of a sex predator maybe him or his pal who won’t come forward see below under ps ) dirty NYPD including two NYPD commissioners want to send me a message to heads up internal affairs dirty cops corrupt dirty oligarchs want to put me in my place will guess what I have the exclusive video years before anyone have the guts and I confront Sheldon silver and ask him are you corrupt?

For years I’m the only person to demand a criminal investigation in to 911.
I was the first and only person to say do not renew with SAIC they’re stealing no one listens to me the union that embrace me and supported me set it will never happen we have to renew they agreed I was the first and only person to demand it it’s on YouTube you can see me on YouTube with a video of over thousand views of me saying don’t renew with SAIC it’s all on YouTube including now vindication confronting Sheldon silver.
Gary Tilzer has exclusive Melissa Mark Viverito dd same as Sheldon Silver…

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you.
So sad I will also say to FBI I told you so yes over and Over on 911. Here I am almost 2 years ago confronting Silver on camera and the price I pay for my activism DA NYPD IAB sent me a message I better shut up or else the fixing for Dr Fagelman a warning.

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

About Suzanna7

"NYC is My Community" City Wide Take Action to Re-Claim NYC - CPR on NYC's Heart Soul Core Issues The People including bringing Peace to the Streets! Mike Might Not Win - look at date!My 1st YouTube on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 called for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation! &Anti-Christine Quinn for mayor When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can DoSomething! See photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School bottom right hand corner of blog! Recogntion: The NYTimes +Look at the date of this tube. I ask for way more than $600,000M back CityTime Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed! Shout Mayor B. Down on CityTime ECTP! He has me shut up!
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