Matt Damon Anti-Fracking Film Told us Vote for Mike Bloomberg who is Pro Fracking!

I am Suzannah B. Troy Artist and this website is my art — my thoughts, my opinions….

I paint with my words and I am very passionate.

Mike Bloomberg Pro Fracking Matt Damon A Dummy Told us to Vote Bloomberg! should not tell us how to vote but most especially if they don’t declare NYC as their home base!

Hey Gus Van Sant, Matt Damon and every politically correct ceelbrity — ask Mike Bloomberg — his puppet Christine Quinn and Andy Cuomo why we have a pipeline frack attack in the West Village and no Trauma Level 1 hospital — a hospital that could help us in a terror attack, that had a ripe crisis center like St. Vincent’s Hospital in the West Village, AIDS Care…

I love celebrities who are politically correct big fakers that try and act liket they are green but travel in private jets and if there is no hospital in the W. Village they can hire a helicopter if they don’t have their own or a private jet and get the care they need.

They talk like they are anti-fracking but Matt Damon who pushed for bloomberg for mayor isn’t going to confront Mike Bloomberg on the Pipeline in the West Village.


Matt explain why we have more poverty level New Yorkers. That illegal third term u helped to push contributed to more poverty, more displacement, a pipeline, Rudin Luxury condos instead of a hospital and more NYU community crushing development, more abuse besides eminent domain abuse by Columbia U of Manhattanville, and Cooper Union’s illegal zone busting construction.

Think about that when u push your stroller around the E. Village — not that it impacts your celebrity life but do not tell us to vote for a corrupt billionaire that has contributed with Christine Quinn in destroying NYC and adding a pipleline in the w. village….. Ask Cuomo for a comment.

Matt don’t ever tell New Yorkers how to vote and People do not listen to celebrities — they got lucky and are paid way too much money for what they do unlike us.

About Suzanna7

"NYC is My Community" City Wide Take Action to Re-Claim NYC - CPR on NYC's Heart Soul Core Issues The People including bringing Peace to the Streets! Mike Might Not Win - look at date!My 1st YouTube on CityTime Corruption starting w/ May 27, 2010 called for NO renewal w/ SAIC and a full investigation! &Anti-Christine Quinn for mayor When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can DoSomething! See photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School bottom right hand corner of blog! Recogntion: The NYTimes +Look at the date of this tube. I ask for way more than $600,000M back CityTime Letter in Defense of Suzannah's YouTube Channel GoogleE-Burka by Louis Flores URGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed! Shout Mayor B. Down on CityTime ECTP! He has me shut up!
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