Tag Archives: MTA Suzannah B. Troy SAIC deal Mike Bloomberg Andrew Cuomo Judy Kaye Fred Lebow Mark Page Patti Harris violence towards women christine quinn dave Paterson david Johnson spousal abuse feminism

Mayor de Blasio #NYPD Bill Bratton the Tale of 2 Parodies by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

In my opinion read below…. Mayor De Blasio Bill Bratton Parodies De Blasio the Last to Know Bratton Fired? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q12fC4g7mk Parody HI I’m your mayor the last 2know Bratton is 2be fired Parody Bratton during Eric Garner Protest — where was … Continue reading

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MTA Tolls? Albany City Hall MTA So Corrupt U Want to Puke?

I named this site Corrupt Co because from Albany to City Hall — hey include The White House we no longer have a government that serves The People but a corrupt co — company of co-workers that are fueled by … Continue reading

Posted in Albany, artist, City Hall, news, Politics, Suzannah B. Troy | Tagged | Leave a comment