Tag Archives: Christine Quinn

Mayor Bloomberg, Rudy Giuliani CityTime Trial TechnoDyne Owners To Appear?

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 From Suzannah B. Troy Artist Blog — my journal my art my thoughts my opinions…. Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear? Bloomberg Quinn Giuliani CityTime Trial TechnoDyne Owners to Appear? CityTime Trial is … Continue reading

Posted in artist, Christine Quinn, City Hall, CityTime, ECTP, Mike Bloomberg, news, NYPD, Politics, Suzannah B. Troy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Understanding the Victim of Crime like I am trying to understand Dr Andrew Fagelman and corrupt NYPD’s role as well as Delita Hooks violent assault lies

The title and the post taking from my blogs my journals are my opinions and the video of the violent assault by Dr Andrew Fagelman’s employee is proof to back up my opinions. I continue to suffer from physical and … Continue reading

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Christine Quinn is Worse than A Bum No Hospital Rudin Condos

Suzannah Troy Artist Blog post reposted here —- these are my opinions thanks for visiting corrupt co nyc because Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn and too many other run NYC like their own corrupt co Christine Quinn is Worse than A … Continue reading

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Mayor Mike Bloomberg HP 911 Corruption so CityTime by Suzannah Troy Artist

These are the opinions of Suzannah Troy Artist from her blogs which are her journal and he art….thanks for checking in… http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2013/07/mayor-bloomberg-911-hp-cover-ups-911.html     Mayor Bloomberg and HP 911 Corruption Creative Accounting   People now talking about the corrupt flawed … Continue reading

Posted in 911, Albany, artist, Christine Quinn, City Hall, CityTime, ECTP, hospital, Mike Bloomberg, news, NYPD, Politics, stop and frisk, Suzannah B. Troy, West Village NYC | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Mayor Bloomberg 911 CityTime Corruption Not Mayoral issues in Race Media Killing News

These are my opinions:     Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s 911 CityTime Corrupt Media Mayoral Race Hugest Scandals Not Issues   Will someone wake me up from this nightmare……   The NYDN is wrongly and solely blaming Thompson for CityTime when … Continue reading

Posted in Christine Quinn, City Hall, CityTime, hospital, Mike Bloomberg, news, NYPD, Suzannah B. Troy, West Village NYC | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

NYDN Exclusive CityTime Bill Thompson 2 Years After Suzannah B. Troy’s

NYDN Exclusive CityTime Bill Thompson 2 Years After Suzannah B. Troy’s  from my blog which is my journal and my opinions…. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2011/03/see-actual-letter-whistle-blower.html Maybe the NYDN will have another exclusive years after me on Christine Quinn’s role far more guilty than … Continue reading

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Mayor Bloomberg 911 Tech Corruption Folks We Are in Danger by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

From my blog which is my journal my thoughts my art….my opinions         You would think the FBI I spoke with before Lt. O’Sullivan — yes I had an in depth conversation with an FBI Agent woman … Continue reading

Posted in Christine Quinn, City Hall, Mike Bloomberg, news, NYPD, Suzannah B. Troy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


MAYOR BLOOMBERG 911 LIES COVERING MEGA-CORRUPTION Below is a re-post from my blogs — my journal, my art and opinions…. Mayor Bloomberg 911 Lies Covering Mega-Corruption http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/hopes_for_fix_dsprcXHo7wvp4le3D0trxKJosh Margolin NY Post exclusive 911 Bloomberg fixes 911 Problems — what problems Bloomberg … Continue reading

Posted in Albany, artist, City Hall, Mike Bloomberg, news, NYPD, Politics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

MIKE BLOOMBERG TITS & ASS A COVER-UP 911 by Suzannah B. Troy Artist

Mike Bloomberg Tits & Ass A Cover-up 911 by Suzannah B. Troy Artist from my blog my art my journal reposted here… http://m.nypost.com/;s=afpU-AySMqDJknVRIf7zr26/f/mobile/news/local/bloomberg_admires_gal_behind_with_IEHzvIkdUstJxdLRoPQSqL?utm_campaign=OutbrainA&utm_source=OutbrainArticlepages&obref=obinsource I wrote a piece from 3:00 am to 3:30am with one finger on my iphone and when … Continue reading

Posted in Christine Quinn, City Hall, hospital, Mike Bloomberg, Suzannah B. Troy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Christine Quinn The NY Times Conspire to Report Puff & Lies in the Face of Poverty Rising NYC

  click on the image above to see it larger.     http://truenewsfromchangenyc.blogspot.com/2012/09/true-news-updated-237.html   Christine Quinn sold the lie we needed Mike Bloomberg for a third term to help us with the economy yet NYC continues to have greater numbers … Continue reading

Posted in City Hall, hospital, Mike Bloomberg, news, Politics, West Village NYC | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment